But it's not just vegan cheese recipes that have consistency problems. In traditional vegan yogurt recipes, the final product is often more liquid than desired and, thanks to its gelling effect, agar is ideal to prevent this problem.



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Traditionally, nuts, soybeans and vegetable oils have been used to produce vegan cheese. But, as is almost always the case with this type of food, the problem lies in achieving the final consistency of the non-vegan product. To address this problem, agar is the ideal strategic ingredient, as it replaces rennet and produces a range of textures, from soft to hard.  

In addition, the use of agar will add nutritional benefits to the recipe and it combines perfectly with nuts. Agar is not only used in the preparation of homemade cheese, it is increasingly common to find industrially produced vegan cheeses on the market that contain agar as a main ingredient. 

There are many recipes for making vegan cheese and many varieties can be replicated. You can find a range of vegan versions of cheese, from “hard” cheddar to semi-soft cheeses such as mozzarella, feta and Brie. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the range of cheese spread recipes. QSol Soft Agar is perfect for making this last variety of cheese. 

But it’s not just vegan cheese recipes that have consistency problems. In traditional vegan yogurt recipes, the final product is often more liquid than desired and, thanks to its gelling effect, agar is ideal to prevent this problem.